January 28, 2003

The Shape of Things to Come

There are going to be some changes around the Fanatical Apathy homestead. No, don't fret - the actual daily(ish) content will remain more or less the same, as (according to my latest business model) I won't be able to afford to hire an actual writing staff until the spring of 2045. But although the past year has brought us the F.A. Boutique and the mighty Forum (which I still cannot believe actually works - I have no idea how I did it...), there's a few improvements that need to be wrought. So here's the breakdown, the big To Do List, and I encourage you all to add to it or offer help in the implementation....

First off, I've gotten many requests for an "RSS feed." This I will provide, as soon as I figure out a little bit about it. I understand that some services have it built in, but this doesn't seem to be an option in the non-Pro version of Blogger.

Which brings me to improvement #2: I'm thinking that a lot of your requests might be accomodated by making the transition to Movable Type. Said requests include better, categorized links, easier navigation, and "permalinks" that are truly "perma" (see, I do my archives manually because of a Blogger bug that existed when I started, and I... what? Oh, that's right - you don't care...). The only problem is that I would like to maintain the general look that was so skillfully designed for me by Lyncca Hunter over at Accented Touch. Any suggestions about how I might do that would be very much appreciated.

Anything else? You're always welcome to suggest changes, of course (though your name does get forwarded to John Ashcroft as a potential trouble-maker, but that's just my patriotic duty). But now is a particularly good time to suggestulate. And to HELP. Remember - only you can help Fanatical Apathy make a smooth transition into this second 33rd of the 21st Century.

Posted by Adam Felber at January 28, 2003 12:07 PM
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